Dear Sharon and family,
My brother introduced Glen to our family many years ago. From then on and when we were still in Newport, he spent lots of time there with us. We were always having cookouts with music and family & friends and he knew he was welcome anytime. And brought his boys too. I was always looking for someone to play cards and games with and if he was there I was in business. Thought a lot of Glen Sharon. I saw him 1 time after seeing you at Evey’s in BlueAsh and that was at AmeriStop in Wilder. I was cutting up with him and he looked at me like I was a crazy lady. I didn’t realize he didn’t recognize me. I had changed so much since Blue Ash. When I realized he didn’t I told him who I was and we cracked up laughing. lol He was the only person who liked to play games and cards as much as me and my Aunt Shirley. We all 3 could sit for hours. I always liked Glen. He was a good guy and I am terribly sorry for your loss. May God bless all of you and ease the sorrow so heavy in your heart. Sincerely, Patty Everson